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Stressed Woman


Understanding Your Mental Health

Anxiety is one of the most universal emotional struggles.  Everyone experiences anxiety; in small doses anxiety can actually help us be more motivated, organized, and aware.  However, in copious amounts anxiety can hijack sleep,motivation, damage relationships, inhibit focus, improve rational  thinking, and  contribute to physical health problems. 


Anxiety triggers our bodies stress response, also known as the fight, flight, or freeze response.  This mechanism is designed to help our body react quickly to dangerous situations, which is a crucial survival response that is invaluable when used correctly.  The problem is that our bodies interpret experiences and worries as “dangerous” when they are  not. This stress response  also inhibits our ability to think rationally.  We feel fear, danger, and anxiety but do not have the capacity to understand we are safe and okay.


Whether the anxiety is so severe that it is a legitimate disorder, or it may be tolerable  but still causing daily resistance and struggle, there is hope and support.  Anxiety is  one of the most common emotional struggles, but it is also one of the most treatable.  


Medication is often a useful treatment when used in combination with other therapy techniques.  Those options can be discussed and referrals are available for local prescribing providers. 


Symptoms of anxiety may include:


-Loss of sleep

-Muscle Tension

-Head aches


 -Panic attacks

-Social withdrawal

-Low self esteem 

-Poor focus

-Fear of danger or impending doom


Treatment approaches include:


-Breath awareness

-Anxiety awareness and exposure training

-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

-Self compassion/ Self love training


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